As the leaves are turning orange and the temperature is dropping, fall has arrived. Every season has an energetic quality to it and Fall is Yin. This is a time when our energy levels are naturally lower and our need for rest and retreating inward is greater. 

Every season is magical in its own way and today I want to share with you my top tips for embracing fall:

1. Fall is a great time to release what is no longer serving you. This could be decluttering your home, letting go of any emotional baggage you may be holding on too, resolving any tension in your relationships and simply practicing letting go of trying to control everything and just being in the present moment. 

2. Your energy levels are naturally lower so balance out moving your body with enough rest and sleep. If you don't feel like being overly social, don't. If you need a full day or weekend to decompress and hibernate, it's ok. Make some arrangements, get a babysitter, ditch the guilt and do whatever you need to do to re-charge. 

3.Give yourself some time in the mornings to wake up slowly and connect with how you're feeling.  

4. Go through your closet and put away your summer clothes for next year. Donate or sell any clothes you don't absolutely love or use regularly so that your closet is only full of clothes that make you feel relaxed, happy and beautiful (and warm!).

5. Make your home a little sanctuary for the whole family by separating areas for play and areas for relaxing. (Perhaps filling the relaxing area with some dried flowers, candles and soft cushions and throws, perfect for snuggling and sipping cocoa together). 

6. Spend time in nature. Dress up warm and head outdoors to enjoy the crisp cool air. When you get back home, dim the lights, light some candles and embrace the yin energy of fall.  




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