A mantra is a word, sentence or phrase that you repeat to yourself frequently. We use them a lot in yoga and meditation as it can help you stay in the present moment and shift your focus to how you want to think or feel. They're also great for training your mind to be more positive, confident and calm.

I like to use them as little reminders of how I want feel that day and in moments of stress or frustration. Like today when my toddler had his second mini meltdown before 7am and refused to put on his shoes... It was just one of those mornings where I needed to take a deep breath and remind myself to keep calm and just relax.

Mantras are only words so for them to actually have an impact, you need to say them with intention, feel it in your heart and even try to visualise whatever it is you want to feel. I simply close my eyes, breathe and repeat my mantra while imagining that I see myself however I want to feel or be. The more often you do it, the more you believe it!

So today I want to share with you a few of my favourite mantras; 

Whenever I feel anxious and like I need to control everything, I use the mantra;  "When I let go, I let love in"

When I don't feel like I'm doing or being enough; "I am doing my best and we are all learning"  or "I have enough, I do enough, I am enough" 

When I can't seem to stop thinking ahead and just be present; "Life is happening now, enjoy it"

And when I catch myself being negative or complaining, I like to remind myself of the quote I once read; "Did you have a bad day, or just a bad 5 minutes that you milked all day?"

 So pick your favourite quote or phrase (or use one of mine if you're stuck for ideas) and make it your own mantra. Write it down and place it somewhere (like the fridge, your mirror or workspace) where you can easily see it everyday and be reminded to think or say it out loud.

You are amazing, always enough and the best mama to your child(ren). In the everyday chaos that sometimes is motherhood, I think we all need a daily reminder. 

Lots of love



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