"Mama's gonna go have some me-time" has often been a sentenced uttered to my son whenever I've needed a moment to myself or I'm heading out the door. I do however know that the word me-time can have some negative associations - its somehow perceived as selfish. But Me-time doesn't mean Me First, it means Me also...

Life with kids can be busy, chaotic, stressful and exhausting at times, but it's really all about how we feel within ourselves and how we deal with those moments, that determine how we experience them. If we're feeling frustrated, exhausted and stressed, the everyday tasks of motherhood can certainly feel a lot harder.

I believe that when we take some time to tune-in, nourish, nurture and re-charge (however that may be for you), we can experience feeling more relaxed, present and happy within ourselves, and in turn have more to give back to those we love. A happy mama usually makes for a happy family...

So we all know that me-time is important, but how do we create the time for it in our busy everyday lives, and most importantly, deal with that mama guilt we all know too well... Here are 3 of my 3 top tips: 


It certainly isn't easy to walk out the door or spend some time doing something for yourself when your toddler is tugging at your leg, begging you to stay and play with him. So I think we first need to know what we need to do for ourselves to feel re-charged and happy, and then remind ourselves that it's in everyones best interest that you do take some time to yourself (while your kids are in the safe hands of someone they love and trust). 

Personally, I have really struggled with the mama guilt so my husband and I have had many talks on the importance of re-charging our batteries and that quality is always better than quantity. Spending 2 hours playing with my son, actually being present and relaxed, laughing and having fun, is much better for him (and me) than 3-4 hours where im constantly in my head, distracted and trying to multitask...


Although some days the idea of escaping to a retreat in Bali or a spending a whole day at the spa is very tempting, I do believe that its much more about taking MOMENTS out of our day for me-time. Waking up 15 minutes before you need to so you can have a long shower and enjoy a cup of tea in peace can do wonders. Also be mindful of how you spend your time. If you have 10 minutes to spare while your waiting for something or someone, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths instead of mindlessly scrolling social media. Shift your focus on what me-time is and take short moments to yourself throughout your day.


Look at your schedule and all the things you're saying yes to doing. In the end of the day, it's all about prioritising and sometimes you need to say no to something else so that you can say yes to yourself. 

I hope this inspires you to prioritise some much deserved me.time and to get creative and start creating moments of me-time throughout your day. 

 Lots of love



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