With hectic schedules and long to do list's, it can sometimes be easy to forget to slow down and care for ourselves. So what is Self-care really all about?

It's essentially anything you do for yourself that helps improve your well-being and happiness. There are so many ways to practice self-care and we all need to find what works for us. 

How to practise self-care can be divided into 3 areas: Mind, body and spirit. How we treat these 3 areas can impact our emotions and overall well-being. 

self-care for your mind is about balancing stimulating your mind through for example learning, reading and interacting with others, with relaxing and unwinding.

Self-care for your body is about nourishing your body with healthy foods, balancing movement and exercise with enough rest and sleep.

Self-care for your spirit is really anything that brings you joy and doing what you're passionate about. being creative, spending time in nature and helping others are examples of ways to care for your spirit.  

What is something you can do for yourself today to improve your well-being?

Lots of love


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