relax + restore

in-person yoga classes to help you feel deeply relaxed, rested, healthy & inspired 

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Join me in my brand new weekly in-person classes where we combine yin & restorative yoga, mindfulness, and themes within feminine health and wellbeing, so that you can feel deeply relaxed, rested, healthy and inspired ✨

these classes combine:

gentle yoga

mindfulness and relaxation with sound crystal bowls

inspiring themes within womens health and wellbeing

Location: I have teamed up with Jill Stewart to offer classes at her beautiful pilates studio in Stavanger Øst.

Address: Kvitsøygata 15, 4014 Stavanger

All classes are in-person and we provide wool yoga mats and everything you need for your class. Simply come as you are and bring warm socks and a jumper for the relaxation part.

Click below to see available dates and to join a class via Jill Stewarts website. I look forward to seeing you there✨

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Hi, I'm Victoria Gabarro

founder of YinMama® and author of Yin Living

As an acupuncturist, yoga instructor, health and wellness coach, writer and mother ~ I am especially passionate about women's health and wellbeing, and believe that when you take moments out of your busy day to calm, nurture, love and care for yourself ~ not only do you feel your best✨ but everyone and everything in your life benefits!

I love to teach classes where we can gather together and do gentle yoga, practice mindfulness, and talk about important and inspiring themes within feminine health and wellness to feel our best.

join me below and I look forward to seeing you there

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